Organisations across globe accepts the vitality of internet for their business irrespective of what category or what location they deal from. If you need to reach to mass audience then you have to be most active over internet and effectively plan your marketing and other promotional activities. Furthermore, Social media is one of the most effective and popular tool in Digital marketing to advertise and to build an overall reputation of a brand. So, when you talk about online reputation and brand building then it became a very essential part of online marketing and an integral part of Social media strategy.
When we talk about building brand reputation and online PR then it involves a lot of processes and regular activities to achieve the desired goal and to maintain it.
Social Media Listening: First and the important task to start the process is to create social media profiles for our clients. Identify the audiences, their behavior, interest, likes and dislikes and then perform different activities like creation of relevant content, boost of content and posts to get maximum coverage. Then it comes out the task of listening which means what people says about our brand, what are their feedbacks, queries, concerns, inputs and to provide them solutions, updates at the same time. Another important factor in social listening is to how your competitor is working, what are their strategies, what people talk about them and then make strategies accordingly.
Resolution of Social Media Queries: When we listen then we work out of the queries and concerns then the main task coming out which is to provide then resolution and that too quickly without further delay. The reason behind to solve the queries on real time is because the competition brand can take the leverage by spreading further more negative rumors about and can excite the customers to post more negative. So, out end goal is to solve customer queries, understand their pain points, understand their suggestion to improve brand reputation and to make it customer friendly.
Real Time monitoring: We keep a record of all the customer engagements happening over Social media, what our competition talking about and act real time basis, keeping no stone behind. Our customer feedbacks, queries and any changes a customer want or any other type of request, we keep a real-time record manually as well as without technology tools. We are trying to make it a kind of automation services to increase effectiveness and to improve customer, social media and customer service team.
Identification of Relevant Influencers: Influencers are getting immense popularity nowadays and they play an important role to gain customer confidence as well as to promote brand over social media. But to check which particular influencer, what should be the content and when and what time we should advertise with influencers is a real task. We at ADZ junction are having a variety of influencers with us and they are from: –
We help our clients providing a list of influencers based on their requirements, based on their budgets and time duration. So, come and take advantage of ADZ Junction wide network of influencers.